Welche Shows gibt es diese Saison in Mailand?
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Mailand | 45 Aufführungen
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Corpo di Ballo del Teatro alla Scala
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Milan from 17/05 to 19/05 : Mozart at Scala
Music lovers will be flocking to La Scala to hear the concert version of Mitridate, Mozart's poignant opera conducted by Christophe Rousset. The great conductor is THE masterpiece specialist!
sams. 17 mai 2025 bis mon. 19 mai 2025
2 nights

Milan from 13/07 to 15/07: Norma at la Scala
Norma, the role of all roles, is interpreted by the sublime Marina Rebeka at the head of a cast worthy of the legends of La Scala in Milan. A dream trip to the temple of opera!
son. 13 juli 2025 bis die. 15 juli 2025
Highlights der Saison

die. 11 februar 25
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