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Gala Mozart - Opera a Palazzo

Gala Mozart

Der 28 juni 2024
Fondation Simone et Cino Del Duca - Paris

Mozart Gala

Mozart : Die Zauberflöte (Highlights)

Mozart : Don Giovanni (Highlights)

Mozart : Le Nozze di Figaro (Highlights)

Mozart : Così fan tutte (Highlights)

  • Interpret
    Emilie-Rose Bry
    Christophe Poncet de Solages
    Marc Souchet
    Katia Weimann


Celebrate Mozart genius: the Gala presents great scenes from Don Giovanni, Le nozze di Figaro, Die Zauberflöte, Così fan tutte.

In a majestic setting, in the heart of Paris's 8th arrondissement, the Fondation Simone et Cino Del Duca, usually closed to the public, exceptionally opens its doors for a confidential and memorable evening of opera, in the warm intimacy of the Foundation's terrace offering a breathtaking view of the Parc Monceau.

Champagne is served during the interval, then a small cocktail will served at the end of the performance. Meeting with the artists to exchange your feelings.

End of the evening 10.30 PM


The Premium category includes: the Mozart Gala recital performance, champagne and a small cocktail will be served. 
- Welcome at the Fondation del Duca in Paris from 7:30pm.
- Performance begins at 8.00pm.
- Champagne will be served during the interval

- A small Cocktail and Champagne will served after the performance in the main lounge and the terrace.

- Meeting with the artists.
Free Seating

  • Informationen zur Bühne
  • Fotos

Fondation Simone et Cino Del Duca - Paris Location 10 Rue Alfred de Vigny - 75008 Paris France

  • Fassungsvermögen 80
Fondation Simone et Sinon del Duca - Paris

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