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Création: Axelites & Fullstack
Music Opera - Editions le Fil d'Ariane - 16 rue Bleue - 75009 Paris - France
S.A.S.- Share Capital : € 127 161
RCS Paris B 399 550 912 - Siret 399 550 912 00048
European VAT Number : FR 80399550912
Publication director: Armand Cohen
Fullstack - 42 rue des saints pères - 75007 Paris - France
Travel agent number : IM075170053
Caution: GROUPAMA ASSURANCE-CREDIT & CAUTION, 8-10 rue d’Astorg, 75008 Paris, France
Insurance: HISCOX EUROPE UNDERWRITING LIMITED, 19 rue louis le Grand, 75002 Paris, France