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  • globe Agencia Internacional Especializada en música clásica desde hace más de 20 años
  • picto-experienc Regalo opera Regala entradas para la ópera en prestigiosos teatros !
  • mobile-phone Servicio al cliente - Consejos Service efficace et rapide, joignable par tel +33 1 53 59 39 29 ou Email
  • theater Espectaculo cancelado Entradas reembolsadas o con un vale valido 18 meses.


Somos especialistas en el mundo de la ópera y los conciertos clásicos, con una trayectoria de desde mas 20 años.

Después de 20 años, editamos la guía Music & Opera around the world, que le ofrece cada año una amplia perspectiva de todas las temporadas líricas y de conciertos, así como las mejores propuestas de obras, orquestas y festivales, en más de 400 instituciones de todo el mundo.

Gracias a nuestro especial contacto con más de 500 teatros y festivales del mundo, podemos reservar las mejores entradas para conciertos de música clásica, óperas y ballets.

En Música & Opera, con una atención personalizada, ofrecemos a nuestros clientes la oportunidad de descubrir las salas y teatros más prestigiosos, durante sus viajes de ocio.

Las ventajas de comprar en Music-Opera.com:

- Facilidad para obtener las entradas, gracias a nuestros cupos de localidades con los teatros.
- Posibilidad de reservar antes de la venta al público para un gran número de espectáculos.
- Le asesoramos en su elección, con una simple llamada telefónica.
Atención personalizada.
- Posibilidad de reservar entradas individuales o para grupos.
- Service VIP : organizamos para usted visitas, cenas antes o después del espectáculo ...
- Servicio Reventa si ya no puede asistir al espectaculo reservado.

El conocimiento que tenemos acerca de las salas, las temporadas, las obras y los artistas, nos permiten aconsejarle sobre las mejores opciones en cuanto a lugares, espectáculos y ubicación.

Todo el equipo de Music & Opera, está a su disposición :

  Marie-Laure de Bello-Portu et Armand Cohen

The founders of the Music & Opera Guide had the brilliant idea of using their excellent relations with opera houses and classical concert venues around the world to open up and facilitate access to music by creating the music-opera.com website and Opera a Palazzo.


Cécile Temime  Cécile Temime

After having guided the destiny of Music & Opera as Marketing Director, Cécile naturally became the General Manager of the company in 2014. A master of languages and figures, she does it all but above all she ensures the good health of the company.


Sandrine Wibart Sandrine Wibart

The venues have no secrets for Sandrine, our great booking specialist and head of the reservation department. Her expertise is essential because for more than twenty-five years, she knows all the tips to get the best seats.


Hugues Rameau-Crays  Hugues Rameau-Crays

He is the classical music expert at Music & Opera! Artistic director and music critic, he knows absolutely everything (or almost everything) about the composers, the works, the productions, the singers and the venues he has been attending since he was 15. Needless to say, he has seen a lot...


Valérie Thiebaut Valérie Thiebaut

Valerie has travelled the world and has been around the globe several times. She is naturally the great expert of the M&O musical stays that she organises with heart. Those who have had the pleasure of crossing her path know her kindness and generosity.


  Gaëlle Le Trecole

After giving birth to twins, Gaëlle is back in the reservation team more motivated than ever. Speaking English, German and Spanish, she knows how to listen to the most challenging requests, keeping a constant good spirit which can be heard even on the phone.


Naima Choujar Naima Choujar

The dynamic Naima has a challenging task as she replaces Violaine Thielen, founder and mainstay of M&O, who has left to live happily in the sun. The warmth remains in Naima's smiling eyes, as she is now in charge of administration and accounting.


  Messina Contell Delassus

A ballet lover, our charming Communications Officer Messina makes tweets, posts and other stories dance with art. The great graphic professional does not neglect the sound, however, and sneaks into every opera house as soon as she gets the chance. 



Marion Barba  Marion Barba

The flamboyant Marion's strong character is undoubtedly due to her dual French-Italian background. She forms a perfect duo with Marta to bring to life the new project, Opera a Palazzo, within Music & Opera Events. Thanks to her energy, La Traviata comes to life every evening. 


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Music & Opera
Editions Le Fil d'Ariane
16 rue Bleue - 75009 Paris - France
Tel: +33 (0)1 53 59 39 29
RCS Paris B 399 550 912