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Messagesquisse - Boulez / Symphony No. 3 - Bruckner / Dérive I - Boulez / Eclat - Boulez / Homage for Pierre Boulez IX - Neuwirth

François-Xavier Roth © François Sechet


Van 20 februari Tot 21 februari 2025
Herkulessaal - München

Boulez : Dérive I

Boulez : Eclat

Boulez : Messagesquisse

Bruckner : Symphony No. 3

Neuwirth : Homage for Pierre Boulez IX

  • Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks
  • Dirigent
    François-Xavier Roth
  • Vertolkers
    Sebastian Klinger
  • Info salle
  • Plattegrond van de zaal

Herkulessaal - München LocationResidenzstrasse 1 - 80333 München Allemagne

The Herkulessaal (Hercules Hall) was originally the throne room of King Ludwig I, and was used as a concert hall after the reconstruction. It also served as the substitute for Klenze’s destroyed Odeon. Until the opening of the "Philharmonie am Gasteig" it was the most important concert hall in Munich. The concert in which famous musicians are playing takes place with a short and entertaining moderation to each music piece, performed by a musicologist and chiefeditor. The whole is accompanied with atmospheric images on a big screen.


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