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Wozzeck - Berg

Robin Adams

Berg Wozzeck

From 01 June TO 12 June 2025
Opera Antwerpen - Antwerpen

Berg : Wozzeck

  • Conductor
    Alejo Pérez
  • Director
    Johan Simons
  • Performers
    Wozzeck: Robin Adams
    Marie: Magdalena Anna Hofmann
    Tambourmajor: Sam Sakker
    Andres: Hugo Kampschreur
    Hauptmann: James Kryshak
    Doktor: Martin Winkler
    Margret: Lotte Verstaen
  • Venue Info
  • Seating Plan
  • Synopsis

Opera Antwerpen - Antwerpen LocationFrankrijklei 3 - 2000 Antwerpen Belgique

Flanders Opera is not only Flanders' single opera house, with two magnificent buildings in Antwerp and Ghent, but also a main player in the international field. The Antwerp opera house has reopened in November 2007, after a huge renovation of the backstage areas, to celebrate the Vlaamse Opera’s 100th Anniversary.

At the request of composer Peter Benoit and a group of Flemish nationalists, the Mayor of Antwerp, Jan Van Riswijck commissioned an opera house to be built in 1899. It was built between 1904 and 1907 under the direction of architects Alexis Van Mechelen and E. van Averbeke. It was designated a “Royal Opera House” in 1920. The Neo-baroque building with its sumptuous Louis XVI style met with immediate success. The oval foyer is lined in pink marble and the paintings are by Emile Vloors. The foyer is the only room in the opera house to have been completely renovated to improve its acoustics. The main auditorium, in the shape of an amphitheatre, seats 1006 people. The ceiling, by Karel Mertens, depicts an allegory of rhythm embodied by a man surrounded by muses. Originally operas were performed in Flemish. In 1960, at the instigation of the new director many works were given their Belgian premiere at Antwerp.

Since 1989, a new organisation “De Vlaamse Opera” brought the stages of Ghent and Antwerp together. Since then it has played a significant role in music at international level, alternating contemporary, baroque and classical seasons. The programme of the Vlaamse Opera promotes young performers at the same time as regularly inviting international musicians.

Opera Antwerpen

The seating plan is given as an indication and has no contractual value.
The division of categories may differ depending on shows and dates.




Wozzeck is a relatively modern opera composed by Alban Berg between 1914 and 1922. It was premiered in 1925 at the Berlin State Opera.

The Austrian composer Berg based the opera on the play called Woyzeck written by Georg Buchner. This play was incomplete when Buchner died and Berg rearranged extracts from it to create an opera of 15 scenes set within 3 acts. The subject matter is harsh, handling the hardship and exploitation of the poor. The composition of the opera took so long as Berg was fighting for Germany in the First World War. It was performed regularly until the Nazis decided it was 'decadent art' and banned its performance. Berg's opera was first staged in Britain at the Royal Opera House in 1952.
It is the first and most famous opera to employ atonality as a music structure. The lack of key and atonal music gives a sense of madness and starkness to the production.


The story of the opera revolves around the central character and his common law wife, Marie. Tired of living in poverty she succumbs to the advances of a passing soldier. He discovers their affair and vows revenge upon them. Despite Marie realising her mistake and asking for forgiveness, he kills her in a fit of anger, leaving her body to be discovered by her son and the other village children.
Act 1:
The opera opens in the Captain's suite where he is being shaved by Wozzeck. The Captain berates him for leading an immoral life and for having an illegitimate child and he responds that poverty makes morality difficult. Later he and his friend Andres are collecting firewood at sunset when they are overcome by frightening visions. A military parade passes the window of Marie, his common law wife. He tells her of his visions and leaves without seeing their son which upsets and angers her. The Doctor who has been treating him, scolds him for not following his instructions but feels his 'experiment' has succeeded when he hears of the visions. The act ends with Marie admiring the drum-major and succumbing to his advances.

Act 2

Act 2 opens with Marie and her son preparing for bed; she is admiring the earrings which the drum-major has given her and tells her common law husband that she has found them. Not sure whether to believe her or not he gives her some money and departs, leaving Marie feeling guilty. Together Doctor and the Captain tell Wozzeck that Marie is being unfaithful to him. He confronts Marie and goes to hit her but she stops him by saying that even her father never hit her. Another way of getting his revenge comes to him. The act ends with Marie dancing with the drum-major and the drum-major trying to fight her husband.

Act 3

Marie has become distraught and guilty and wants to seek forgiveness so she walks in the woods with her husband. However, in a fit of anger he decides that if he can't have her, no one will and he stabs her. Later he tries to dance with their neighbour Margaret but seeing blood on his hands makes him realise what he has done. Under a blood red moon he wades into a lake and drowns. The following morning the opera ends when children, including Marie's son, find her body.


Wozzeck: aide to the Captain, common law husband to Marie (baritone).
Marie: his common law wife (soprano).
Captain: (buffo tenor).
Doctor: (buffo bass).
Drum-major: Marie's lover (tenor).
Andres: their friend (lyric tenor).

Opera Antwerpen

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