Bologna's "Comunale Nouveau" theatre will be the home of Teatro Comnale during work on the historic theater in Piazza Verdi during the 2024 season.

Bernstein Candide
Comunale Nouveau - Bologna
Piazza della Costituzione, 4 - 40128 Bologna Italie
Comunale Nouveau
This operetta has become one of the most popular of the mid 20th century following a disappointing critical and commercial reaction after its Broadway premiere in 1956. The initial decision to turn the satirical novella of Voltaire into a theatrical performance was taken by playwright Lillian Hellmann, who approached Leonard Bernstein about writing incidental music for the proposed play. Famous for his work with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and his many compositions, including the music for West Side Story, Bernstein expanded the idea of turning the novella into a comic operetta.
Many versions of this two act operetta were produced, but all follow the same idea of allowing the fates to decide the future against making sense of life and charting your own path. The main character searches for his lost love, Cunegonde, from Westphalia to South America and back to Europe against the problems of life getting in the way of marrying his love. The hero makes fortunes and loses them as he finds and loses his love many times over.
Act 1
Opening in the country of Westphalia, the operetta begins with news of the impending marriage of the main protagonist and Cunegonde. Under the watchful eye of Dr. Pangloss the wedding is scheduled to take place until war with Hesse breaks out. Heading back from war, the hero of the opera returns to find his country in ruins and his betrothed apparently dead when he returns to Westphalia. Life becomes even worse as an earthquake destroys the remains of the country and seemingly kills Dr. Pangloss. Our hero heads to Paris, where he finds Cunegonde in the midst of a party held by a marquis and a sultan. Killing both the sultan and marquis, the almost married couple escape with a group of pilgrims heading for South America and the promised treasure of Eldorado.
Act 2
In South America, Cunegonde waits for her betrothed to return in the house of the Governor watched over by the Old Lady. Upon his return, the hero discovers his loved ones have returned to Europe, but in reality are held tied up in sacks by the Governor. Returning to Europe with the treasure he has discovered in Eldorado, the successful adventurer finds it difficult to continue believing that the optimism of Dr. Pangloss as his loved one is continually taken from him. Following a shipwreck, Dr. Pangloss reappears and rescues the hero of Voltaire's novella before the pair live a successful life in Venice of gambling and drinking. Cunegonde reappears as a cleaner in Venice and finally finds happiness with her betrothed as the belief in the fates is cast aside for grasping life by the horns in the future.
Candide, Adventurer and War Hero, Tenor
Cunegonde, Love Interest, Soprano
Dr. Pangloss, Teacher, Baritone
The Old Lady, Cunegonde's Companion, Alto